Our hip area consists of muscles, tendons and a joint. The joint is a ball and socket joint that connects the hip to the pelvic area. The hip area plays a very important role when it comes to the mobility of the body . The hip and the core area control the rhythm of our body.
As the part connects our lower body to the upper body this strengthening is of vital importance. Be it an athlete or any person trying to stay active the hip area or the core muscles will help in raising the performance level. All forms of exercise require a strong hip joint.
But with the excessive weight that it holds the joint tends to get weaker. With age also the joint can witness degeneration. The condition can result in swelling, soreness and lack of mobility of the hip area. The pain can even shift to the legs which can further become worrisome. The most common reasons for hip pain is excessive weight gain, arthritis, sciatica pain, slipped disc etc.
Age can also play a role in causing hip pain. The analysis of the cause of the hip pain is very important in determining what kind of treatment will suit them best. Our Specialists will provide a set of exercises and physiotherapy that will result in easing the pain. Continued physiotherapy can help build up the strength in the hip area that may bring long term relief.
Controlled joint movements and hip mobility exercises can help overcome the inability to move around freely without pain. People who have undergone physiotherapy by our experts have been able to play their kind of physical sport as well as maintain a pain-free life. The strong hip area can prove to be highly beneficial when it comes to staying fit.